It’s been quite a while since I posted anything on this website. There are several reasons at play, but most of them broadly have to do with prioritization (or its lack thereof) on my part. I’ve been keeping myself occupied with a lot of things lately, and in all of it writing a short blog post never made it above the bottom few rungs of the priority ladder. But nevertheless I thought I’d take the time and pen something down.

A lot has happened since my last post, apart from the ebbs and flows of the current pandemic - I spent some time at the Recurse Center, started working at a company in the Netherlands, turned a year older (and perhaps became a bit wiser?), and managed to run about half a thousand kilometres - but none of it spared me enough hours to continue with this habit of posting something that’s on my mind. As of writing this, I’m really feeling a sense of being exhausted in terms of choosing something to write about (perhaps writing about it is a meta-topic of sorts, even) that would have some substance in it. I guess it’ll take some more time before this inertia is handled well and I really have something seemingly interesting to post. (To think of it, I do have thoughts I’d like to talk about but can’t seem to find the words to convert them to text).

There’s always the quality vs quantity debate in such ventures but it’s often (or mostly?) the case that quantity amounts to better quality in the long run in certain contexts - and I feel this is one of those. I’m not really aiming for quality here as the main goal of my writing these posts, but I’m relying on quality being more of a byproduct of a habit - if not daily, at least weekly posts. Goodhart’s law has certainly caught my fancy lately and probably has left me completely changed in terms of looking at metrics for defining progress, whether personal, professional, or statistical. Applying the concept to blog writing means that the number of posts written is no longer a figure of merit for me; phew, that’s a relief.

Nevertheless, I have set the ball rolling again and now I hope to put some stuff more frequently on this website.