I had a thought at the very beginning of March this year, of wanting to create and sustain a writing habit - in the form of writing on a periodic basis so as to have at least three or four small posts every week. Not for any audience, not for any specific numbers, but just to have a new habit that’d aid in organizing my thoughts better in the long run - and given that the world was suddenly awash with this pandemic, it was slightly comforting to have a new routine in place. I was heavily inspired by this, and having my email inbox receive interesting high-quality academic content on a daily basis made me think that it’s not all that difficult to set aside a few minutes a day penning down whatever comes to mind.

And sustain the habit did…only for a while. At some point, I was writing something new every day despite being very busy working on my Master’s thesis and my part-time job. In fact, I’d argue it actually helped me persevere and push through in writing the thesis document. But it was only a matter of time before there was a gap of one day, then two days, and then weeks…and then there were no posts. It was quite a shame to start with such enthusiasm on this idea just to see it smashed to smithereens in only a few weeks.

But in the meantime, I didn’t compromise on my reading habit, managing to get through Infinite Jest and some Vonnegut amid a lot of scientific literature on interesting topics whether relevant to my thesis or not. Maybe that speaks a lot about how difficult it really is to come up with something creative and the asymmetry involved in the processes of consumption and creation.

But the reason I’m posting this post is that I finished reading this book and it’s given me enough motivation to start small on new habits. Accordingly, I have decided to start small on this writing habit yet again. Here it goes!