Of late I’ve been really, really, busy with things - and what that leads to, in general, is the breaking of habits which require some amount of focus and dedication, even if for a quarter of an hour or so daily - and that includes the habit of posting once every day or two. Since that was broken, it’s been very hard to get back and break the inertia. But that’s what I’m trying to do with this post.

Disturbances keep showing up once every often in our daily or periodic lives, and it may or may not be easy to deal with those. Some are emotional, some are professional, and some are literally viral - but that there can be no disturbances over the course of anybody’s lifetime is but an impossibility. Given that about a 100 billion people have ever lived on this planet, maybe some of them have had such a life of determinism without unexpected surprises! Even if it were just one such person in history, that’d mean 1 in a hundred billion - which is about 0.000000001 % of all people. Even if you make it 1000 or 10000 people, it still amounts to almost nothing.

Which means, that the rest of us have more or less arbitrary incidents dotting our lives and not allowing plans to proceed exactly as planned; at least in most cases. Which makes things a bit interesting - it leaves us having to develop mechanisms to cope with uncertainties and having to have some kind of strength to deal with such disturbances - be it through community, through discipline, through “spiritual journeys”, or whatever. Since the laws of physics and nature are not necessarily “kind”, and the universe is apathetic (if it indeed does exist), probably there isn’t much to do than build our own systems working around these inviolable pillars of reality.

Perhaps that is what Nietszche meant?