Spam emails are not alien to most users on the internet. Everyone has spam lurking somewhere in their virtual inbox, if not in the spam folder. But what makes it interesting that spam emails actually are a thing in the first place, and a clear indication that if you give people the freedom to do anything they want, they will do it. A free, electronic medium to connect to millions almost instantly? Why not spam them with really relevant information like offers on the latest toilet plungers?

The composition of these emails surely does not come from bots. No one programs bots to come up with creative advertisements to be sent en masse to every email address that can be sniffed. Sure, the list of email IDs to be spammed can be easily drawn using bots crawling obscure alleyways branching and sub-branching out from the internet highway. All you have to do is click on some random (or phishing) link and then wonder why you’re getting advertisements you don’t want to see.

But who writes these emails? I’d really like to come across someone whose profession (whether publicly claimed or not) is composing spam emails. I’d like to understand their motivation behind it, how they got into the business, how much turnover they actually have given there are so many million emails sent out once every often, and what spam email utopia looks like to them. Everyone does business through spam emails, no one buys things unless they’re informed by email, you get promotions based on how many spam emails are taken seriously? Sounds like a utopia indeed.

Google Spam could be a good product. All they have to do is rearrange some letters.