Hermitian isn’t even an English word. The word I should be using to describe how I plan to be over the next few days is either hermitic or eremitic. But having had some bit of a math background through my education so far, I kind of found it oddly satisfying to refer to the state as Hermitian. It makes no sense whatsoever, as Hermitian comes from the French mathematician Charles Hermite and has nothing to do with being hermitic.

(But somewhat in my defence, “hermite” does mean hermit in French).

I believe I am going to be really, really busy over the next few days as I intend to wrap up things on many fronts (mainly with regards to my Master’s thesis) and will be going in a hyperdrive of sticking to my plans when it comes to finishing all the micro-tasks that are pending. That involves turning into a hermit for a few months, effectively.

As if the COVID-19 situation wasn’t making people hermitic in a forcible manner already, I am going to disregard it for the time being (somehow) and stick to my plan. Maybe this’ll all stack up and burst open like a levee at some point but I will try to keep some small channels flowing (through activities like running, writing stuff like this, and some other means I’d need to think of).

I hope the levee doesn’t break. Being Hermitian shouldn’t come with outbursts of unwarranted madness.