Everyone likes eating, without exception - someone claiming that they don’t like the act is almost unheard of - and the rest are just in denial. It’s so primal that you simply can’t not like it. However, there’s no uniformity in terms of diet - some people prefer to be vegetarian (or vegan) for a variety of interesting reasons, whereas others stick to their non-vegetarian habits for another set of reasons. Of late, even the Carnivore diet has been doing the rounds of internet fascination. We seem to be obsessed with putting labels on anything we come across.

But in any case, I’d like to make a case for tofu; it is almost a miracle that it exists. Prior to my “vegetarianization” as I’d like to call it, I was an avid poultry consumer - though I consumed, I didn’t like much of other kinds of meat - poultry was special. But come September 2019, and I saw some unexplained spiritual transformation that made me give up meat and turn into a vegetarian. All that aside, I cooked something involving tofu for the first time today and was struck with the regret of not doing it in all these post-poultry months!

One can imagine the profundity of the impact tofu had on me that I had to write a post about it somewhere on the world wide woid. It’s going to be a frequent.

Try tofu something. Of course with some spices or sauces. Or even bland, if that’s what your preference is.

But do try - I cannot put in words how much I feel for tofu. Maybe it’s just a phase.