On the eve of SpaceX’s Demo-2 launch, I must log somewhere on the internet that I am quite excited about the event! Like so many others, I have a deep fascination for the concept of space, the infinite void, the nothingness out there (arguably), and also their ramifications for humanity as a species. Though this topic can go on and make a tangent to a great deal of existential philosophy, I’d rather stick to the SpaceX launch for now.

What makes this event special? Apparently it’s the first time since the ’70s that a new type of spacecraft (something other than a Soyuz or a space shuttle) is being used for sending humans into space . It is also the first flight with an onboard crew since 2011 to take off from somewhere in the USA. Though I’m not American, I can imagine it being a proud moment for the country to have such a feat in these times! More information on the launch here.

SpaceX has been a fascinating company for quite a while now. It does make its way into the news occasionally - for instance, with this launch, the Starship programme underway, and some previous successful demonstrations (like this amazing landing of the Falcon Heavy boosters) - and though Elon Musk shows up in the media often too (for the wrong reasons at times), the bottom line is that SpaceX does some really awesome stuff. I have no clue how they manage to put it all together but the results do show up nicely.

Godspeed to the astronauts Robert Behnken and Doug Hurley and the entire team associated with the flight launch!

The broadcast of the launch goes live here.